Prophet Sheldon has a remarkable ability to inspire individuals to rise above mediocrity and strive for excellence and fulfillment in their lives. With his exceptional gifts, he sees the potential in people and encourages them to develop the talents and abilities that may otherwise remain untapped. He has guided thousands toward their prophetic destinies and achievements.
Through his speaking engagements, both nationally and internationally, Prophet Sheldon shares profound insights into universal truths. He helps people around the world understand that they are not victims of life, but rather have the power to shape their own destinies.
Born on June 18 in Clarendon, Jamaica, WI, Prophet Sheldon Maddix moved to the United States with his father at the age of 13. From an early age, he has walked closely with God, growing spiritually and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
At the age of twenty-two, Prophet Sheldon began his ministry with a passion for winning souls for the Kingdom of God. He started by preaching on trains and buses, and over the course of about seven years as an evangelist, he developed a strong gift for prophecy and healing. He furthered his studies at Mount Olive Bible Institute.
Throughout his journey, Prophet Sheldon has faced challenges and setbacks, but he views these experiences as stepping stones to his current successes. Despite facing significant persecution for his commitment to the Kingdom of God, he remains steadfast in his mission, acknowledging the truth that, as Jesus said, a prophet often has no honor in his own land.
Prophet Sheldon is a true messenger from God, having traveled extensively across the country and to places like the West Indies, Pennsylvania, and Canada. He preaches with the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, often accompanied by signs and wonders.
He resides in New York City with his wife, Tanika, where they host ministry events and occasionally travel for missionary work.