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Why Tithing Matters: Ten Compelling Reasons

Ten Reasons Why We Should Tithe
Ten Reasons Why We Should Tithe

The Bible encourages us to embrace giving in various forms: tithes, offerings, and alms. Alms are intended for the needy, offerings are for specific purposes like missions or building projects, and tithing involves contributing ten percent of our income to the church. Tithing is the cornerstone of our giving, setting the foundation for both offerings and alms. Here are ten meaningful reasons to commit to tithing regularly.

10. To Honor God’s Command

When we hold back on tithes and offerings, the Bible teaches that we’re

God (Malachi 3:8-9). It’s a heavy thought to consider that we might be withholding from something that holds great importance to Him.

9. To Protect Your Wealth

Tithing is a way to invest in lasting treasures. Jesus warns against storing up earthly possessions that can decay or be stolen (Matthew 6:19). By tithing, you’re securing your investment in God’s kingdom.

8. To Experience Abundant Harvest

The principle of sowing and reaping is profound. Paul shares that planting a few seeds yields a small crop, but generous sowing results in a plentiful harvest (2 Corinthians 9:6). Your tithe is a part of that abundant planting.

7. To Invite God’s Blessings

By tithing, you open the door for God to bless the remaining portion of your income. He promises blessings that exceed your expectations, often in ways that may not be immediately visible.

6. To Reach the Lost

Your tithes are crucial for sharing the gospel. By giving, you contribute to the efforts that help others hear the message of hope and salvation, making a tangible difference in their lives.

5. To Support Your Church

Your church plays a vital role in the community and relies on your contributions. Bringing your tithe helps provide the resources needed for its mission and programs (Malachi 3:10).

4. To Experience Joy in Giving

There’s a unique joy that comes from knowing you’re fulfilling God’s purpose. Tithing can bring a sense of peace and happiness because “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

3. To Follow God’s Financial Plan

Tithing is part of God’s design for supporting His work. As stated in Leviticus 27:30, ten percent of our earnings is holy and belongs to Him, deepening our connection to His purpose.

2. To Remember God’s Generosity

Take a moment to reflect on what God has done for you—offering His Son, your salvation, and countless blessings. He invites us to “test me” (Malachi 3:10), and He consistently proves His faithfulness.

1. To Express Your Love for God

Ultimately, tithing is a heartfelt expression of your love for God. You recognize Him as the Creator who understands what’s best for you. Your tithe is a way to honor Him and acknowledge His importance in your life.

Engaging in tithing can transform your perspective on finances and enrich your spiritual journey. By taking this step, you’re investing in something far greater than yourself.


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