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Supernatural Healing Strategies: How to Activate God's Healing Power in Your Life.

Writer's picture: Sheldon MSheldon M

As believers, we have access to God's supernatural healing power through the Holy Spirit. Here are some strategies for activating that power in your life:

  1. Believe and Declare God's Promises: The Bible is filled with promises of healing and wholeness. Believe that God's Word is true and declare those promises over your life. Speak them out loud and meditate on them daily.

  2. Pray for Healing: Prayer is a powerful tool for accessing God's healing power. Ask Him to heal you or your loved one and believe that He is able to do it. Pray in faith, knowing that God is always listening and answering our prayers.

  3. Release Forgiveness: Unforgiveness and bitterness can block God's healing power in our lives. Release any unforgiveness you may be holding onto and choose to forgive those who have hurt you. Ask God to heal your heart and help you to walk in forgiveness.

  4. Receive Prayer and Anointing: The Bible tells us to pray for one another and anoint each other with oil for healing (James 5:14-16). Seek out prayer and anointing from fellow believers, pastors, or ministry leaders. Allow God to work through them to bring healing and wholeness to your life.

  5. Speak to Your Body: Our words have power, and we can speak healing and health over our bodies. Declare God's Word over any areas of illness or pain and believe that He is bringing healing and restoration to your body.

In conclusion, activating God's supernatural healing power in our lives requires faith, prayer, forgiveness, receiving prayer and anointing, and speaking life-giving words over our bodies. Trust in God's promises, seek out prayer

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