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Immersing in the Spirit: Embracing the Outpouring

Writer's picture: Sheldon MSheldon M

Immersing in the Spirit: Embracing the Outpouring
Pouring out my Spirit

My beloved people, I am pouring out my Spirit upon you without reservation. The earth is awakening to the truth of my identity.

However, many of you come to me with the intention of containing my Spirit in a way that pleases and entertains you, but you are only able to catch a glimpse of it. You are missing out on so much more.

I am raising a people who are willing to soak in my Spirit. These are the ones who are not trying to hold or contain me but are willing to give up everything to dance in the freedom and abandon of my outpouring. These are the ones who will know my heart and experience my glory, truth, and joy deep within their souls.

Therefore, I urge you to throw down your receptacles, close your umbrellas, and prepare your hearts to soak in the freedom of the outpouring of my Spirit. Stand up wherever you are, physically open your hands, and spread your arms wide. Say aloud, "Lord, I am sorry for the times that I have tried to tame and contain you. I am ready now to soak in your Spirit! Please pour out afresh upon me today."

As it is written in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 (NIV), "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."



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