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A Prophetic Word: God Unleashing His Power in Our Lives

Understanding Prophetic Words and How to Receive Them

To understand prophetic words, we need to explore the nature of prophecy, the role of prophets, and how God is still working in the world today. This will help us dive deeper into the understanding and reception of prophetic messages.

Does Prophecy Still Exist Today ?

Depending on your faith background, you may or may not believe that prophecy is still active today. Some people believe that after Jesus' resurrection, prophecy ceased to exist. However, the Bible presents a different view:

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.  Acts 2:17–18

This passage shows that prophecy continues in the "last days" before Christ's return. Given that we live in this era, it’s reasonable to believe that prophecy is still relevant today.

Since prophecy is still active, there are undoubtedly prophets among us, regularly sharing God’s messages with His people. This realization led me to ask: can anyone give prophetic words?

Who Can Deliver Prophetic Words?

The answer is simple: anyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit.

Why do I say this with confidence? Throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals prophesying when “the Spirit of the Lord came upon them.” Here are three examples:

  • Acts 19:12 — Men in Ephesus

  • Luke 1 — Zechariah, father of John the Baptist

  • 1 Samuel 19:23 — King Saul of Israel

So, when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit, they can be empowered to speak prophetic words. If you have the Holy Spirit within you, you, too, can share prophetic messages.

How Do We Discern Prophetic Words?

Now that we know prophecy is still relevant today, and that people filled with the Holy Spirit can deliver prophetic words, how can we discern whether these messages are truly from God?

It’s important to remember that sometimes individuals may claim to be prophets but may offer words that don't resonate or seem off. How do we know what to trust?

5 Ways to Confirm a Prophetic Word

The Word Aligns with Scripture
I’ve often found that prophetic words are strongly connected to the truths found in Scripture. The Bible offers wisdom that can help us understand many situations, and we can compare a prophetic word with what the Bible says to see if it lines up. For instance, when I received a prophetic word about teaching and writing, I found many biblical examples of people using their natural gifts to fulfill God's purposes.

The Word Is Delivered with Humility
Sometimes, people who claim to be prophets talk about their success rates or personal achievements in a boastful way. True prophecy, however, comes from a place of humility. When someone delivers a prophetic message, they typically express that they believe it’s a word from the Lord, without drawing attention to their own accomplishments.

The Speaker Has a Strong Relationship with God
It can be difficult to fully gauge someone’s relationship with God, but there are individuals whose lives demonstrate a deep, sincere connection with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When we observe their faithfulness and listen to how they describe hearing from God, we can have greater confidence that their words are from Him.

The Prophetic Word Comes to Fulfillment
Sometimes, we can’t immediately confirm a prophetic word until it comes true. In my case, the prophecy I received was vague, but as I spent time reflecting on it, God provided further insight, and eventually, the words came to pass.

Give It Time
Not all prophetic words are meant to be understood immediately. There have been many times when I received a word that didn’t seem to apply at the moment, but later, I realized its relevance. For example, years ago, a ministry leader spoke the word “Happy” over my life. I didn’t fully understand it until the birth of my first daughter, Gwyneth, whose name means “happiness.


More Insights

This list is by no means exhaustive. Sometimes, you may receive the same word multiple times, or someone may unknowingly speak a prophetic word over your life. It’s also possible that God might confirm a word through Scripture, or through a message that aligns with something you’ve already been learning.

Embracing the Power of Heaven on Earth


God’s power is continually at work on earth, and He wants us to experience His Kingdom here and now. When God gives someone a prophetic word for your life, it’s meant to bring His power into your circumstances.

Prophecies can lead to breakthroughs in areas like overcoming sin, finding comfort in times of grief, gaining wisdom in the face of challenges, or even receiving foresight about the future. No matter how the prophecy manifests, it’s an opportunity to encounter God's love, wisdom, and power in your life.

By sharing and receiving prophetic messages, we participate in God's ongoing work here on earth, helping others experience His Kingdom in tangible ways.

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